Naeem Gheriany

Naeem Abdurrahman Al-Gheriany
‫ نعيم عبد الرحمن الغرياني
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Assumed office
22 November 2011
Prime Minister Abdurrahim El-Keib
Personal details
Born April 12, 1954
Tripoli, Libya
Nationality Libyan
Political party Independent
Alma mater University of Washington (M.Sc)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (PhD)
Profession Nuclear Scientist/Engineer; Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Religion Islam

Dr. Naeem Abdurrahman Al-Gheriany P.h.D, PE (Arabic ‫ (نعيم عبدالرحمن الغرياني‬) is a Libyan nuclear scientist, engineer and academic. He was named Libya's Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research on 22 November 2011 by Prime Minister Abdurrahim El-Keib.[1]


Early life

Al-Gheriany was born in Tripoli, Libya in 1954 and completed primary and secondary schooling in Tripoli.


In the early 1970s, Al-Gheriany moved to the United States to pursue higher education. He earned a B.Sc. with honors in Nuclear Engineering and a B.Sc. with honors in Engineering Physics from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville before returning to Libya in 1978 to work as a teaching assistant at the University of Tripoli. In 1979, Al-Gheriany returned to the United States, where he earned a M.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Washington and a PhD in Nuclear Science and Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York. He obtained his Professional Engineer (PE) license from the State Board of Examiners, Hartford CT, shortly thereafter. He also earned an MBA from Washington State University. Since his appointment to the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Engineering and Technology in 2009, Al-Gheriany has resided in Germantown, MD with his wife, Mariam. The couple have five children.

Political Involvement

Al-Gheriany was an active member of the Libyan opposition to the former regime of Muammar al-Gaddafi. His political activities began during his undergraduate years in the mid 1970s when he was active among the Libyan students in the US and later participated in the founding of the General Union for the Students of Libya in North America. In the late 1970s he participated in various efforts to organize the Libyan opposition movement abroad, and was a founding member of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya in the early 1980s, and a member of its Permanent Bureau through the 1980s.


Current Positions

Past Positions

Al-Gheriany managed the University of Texas Nuclear Engineering Program during which time student enrollment and research funding increased several fold. He served on many university committees including the Graduate Studies Committee, the Nuclear Reactor Committee, the Student Recruiting and Admission Committee, the Fellowship Award Committee, the Faculty Recruiting Committee, the Curriculum Review Committee, the Doctoral Qualifying Examination Committees, and the Master’s and Doctoral Students Thesis and Dissertation Committees.

In addition, Al-Gheriany served on many Technical Review Teams for the US Department of Energy including Design Review Committees and Senior Advisory Committees. He served as the Department Lead for National Academy of Science Studies and lead the Office of Safety and Security effort in Nuclear Safety R&D.

Al-Gheriany also served as a Reviewer for the American Nuclear Society, the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, the Department of Energy Nuclear Engineering Research Grant Program, the International Conference on the Physics of Nuclear Science and Technology, the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the Independent Sates of the Former Soviet Union Grant Program, the American Society of Engineering Education, and the National Science Foundation. He organized and chaired many sessions at technical conferences, served on program committees of many national and international conferences, served on national and international panels and teams including the United States/Russian Technical Specialists Team on Water Reactors for Fissile Materials Disposition, the Department of Energy Nuclear Engineering Research Grant Program Review Panel, the National Science Foundation Review Panel, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA) Criticality Safety Working Party.

Professional and Honor Society Memberships

Grants and Contracts

During his years in academia Al-Gheriany was awarded approximately 1.5 million dollars in research grants from national and international funding agencies including:

National Science Foundation / Division of Design, Manufacturing, and Industrial Innovation (NSF/DMI): “Development of High Resolution Neutron Computed Tomography Methods," $179,380, 12/1/98-11/30/2000.

National Science Foundation / Division of Materials Research (NSF/DMR): “Neutron Imaging System for Materials Characterization Research at The University of Texas Reactor,” $75,000, 9/15/95-8/31/98.

Department of Energy / Office of Fissile Material Disposition (DOE/OFMD): “Development of Nondestructive Assay Methods for Weapons Plutonium and MOX Fuel Safeguards,” $407,508, 6/1/95-8/31/97.

Department of Energy / Office of Fissile Material Disposition (DOE/OFMD): “Water Reactor Options for Disposition of Weapons Plutonium,” $376,167, 6/1/95-1/15/98.

Department of Energy / Oak Ridge National Laboratory (DOE/ORNL): “Comprehensive Evaluation Program of the Saxton and Esada Experiments,” $100,000, 2/16/98-9/15/99.

Department of Energy / Office of Fissile Material Disposition (DOE/OFMD): “MOX Use in Reactors: Benchmarking of Neutronics Codes,” $64,895, 1/16/98-1/15/99.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), “Utilization and Protection of Excess Weapons Grade Fissile Material,” $10,400, 11/1/95-10/31/97.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), “Networking Component of Disarmament Linkage Grant No. 951500,” $9,000, 9/1/96-8/31/98.

University Research Institute, University of Texas at Austin: “Neutron Capture Therapy Research at University of Texas Reactor,” $11,110, 6/1/94-8/31/1994.

College of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin: “Special Equipment Funds,” $114,700, 9/1/93-8/31/95.

Selected Publications and Oral Presentations

Al-Gheriany has published numerous articles and papers in refereed scientific journals, conference proceedings, and technical reports, and given many technical oral presentations at technical and scientific conferences and meetings. The following is a list of selected publications and oral presentations:

Refereed Archival Journals and Transactions

N. M. Abdurrahman, T. Baker, and V. Jayaraman, “B2B Normative Pricing Strategy: Antecedents and Profitability Impact,” Production and Operations Management (POM) Journal, Submitted.

T. Baker, N. M. Abdurrahman, and V. Jayaraman, “Normative Marketing Pricing Strategy: Exploring the Antecedents and impact on Profitability for U.S. Capital Intensive, Durable Goods Manufacturers,” European Journal of Marketing, Submitted.

N. M. Abdurrahman and A. P. Simpson, Die-Away Assay: A New Radwaste Measurement System Offers a Viable Alternative to “Dose To Curie” Method, Nuclear Engineering International, Wilmington Media, UK, July 2007

N. M. Abdurrahman and A. P. Simpson, “High Sensitivity Neutron Assay of Grouted Spent Nuclear Fuel Sludge at Hanford,” American Nuclear Society Transactions/European Nuclear Society, 2007 ANS/ENS International Meeting, Washington, DC, November 11-17, 2007.

N. M. Abdurrahman, A. Simpson, and S. Barber, “WIPP Certification of a New SuperHENC Box Counter at Hanford,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 93, 819-820 (2005).

L. Eric Smith and Naeem M. Abdurrahman, "Neutron Spectrometry for the Assay of High Fissile Content Spent Fuel," Nuclear Technology, 142, to Appear in Dec. 2002.

Y. D. Lee, M. M. Abdurrahman, R. C. Block, D. R. Harris, and R. E. Slovacek, “Design of a Spent Fuel Assay Device Using Lead Spectrometer,” Nuc. Sci. Eng. 131, 45-61 (1999).

I. A. Hawari, B. W. Wehring, and N. M. Abdurrahman, “Feasibility of Using a Graphite Slowing-Down-Time Spectrometer in the Nondestructive Assay of Nuclear Materials,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 422, 846-851 (1999).

H. Akkurt and N. M. Abdurrahman, “Benchmark Calculations of the Esada Single Region Mixed-Oxide Critical Experiments,” Nuclear Technology, 127, 301-314 (1999).

M. M. Abdurrahman, G. Radulescu, and I. Carron, “Benchmark Calculations of the Saxton Plutonium Program Critical Experiments,” Nuclear Technology, 127, 315-331 (1999).

M. S. Abdelrahman and N. M. Abdurrahman, “Imaging Automation and Volume Tomographic Visualization at Texas Neutron Imaging Facility,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 81, 120-121 (1999).

M. A. Elsawi, N. M. Abdurrahman, and M. Yavuz, “Simplified Discrete Ordinates Method in Spherical Geometry,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 81, 136-138 (1999).

Y. G. Jo, N. M. Abdurrahman and M. S. Abdelrahman, “New Thermal Neutron Imaging Facility at The University of Texas Reactor,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 80, 84-85 (1999).

N. M. Abdurrahman, Y. G. Jo and M. S. Abdelrahman, “Demonstration of Neutron Radiography and Computed Tomography at The University of Texas Thermal Neutron Imaging Facility,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 80, 85-87 (1999).

M. S. Abdelrahman and N. M. Abdurrahman, “UTXS Cross Section Library for Analysis of Mixed Oxide Water Reactor Cores,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 79, 177-179 (1998).

M. Yavuz and N. M. Abdurrahman, “Inverse Simplified SN Method for Multigroup Eigenvalues of Slab Geometry Transport Problems,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 76, 216-217 (1997).

M. A. Elsawi, N. M. Abdurrahman, B. W. Wehring, and A. I. Hawari, “The Use of Graphite for Slowing-Down-Time Spectrometry,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 76, 139-140 (1997).

N. M. Abdurrahman, M. A. Elsawi, and D. R. Harris, “Resolution Function in Slowing Down Time Spectrometers,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 77, 188-190 (1997).

N. M. Abdurrahman, Y. G. Jo, W. J. Spiesman, and T. L. Bauer, “Verification of MCNP Model for the University of Texas TRIGA Reactor,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 77, 132-134 (1997).

N. M. Abdurrahman and M. Yavuz, “MCNP Analysis of Split-Table Critical Experiments Containing Mixed Oxide Fuels,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 77, 213-215 (1997).

Y. G. Jo, N. M. Abdurrahman, B. W. Wehring, “Design of a Neutron Radiography Collimator System in a Through Beam Port at Triga Reactor,” Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 75, 113-114 (1996).

N. M. Abdurrahman and B. W. Wehring, "Neutron Imaging System for Neutron Radiography, Tomography, and Beam Diagnostics," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 73, 154-155 (1995).

K. P. Cheng, K. Unlu, A J. Teachout, N. M. Abdurrahman, and B. W. Wehring, "Gadolinium Neutron Capture Therapy Dosimetry Measurements," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 73, 30-31 (1995).

N. M. Abdurrahman, R. C. Block, D. R. Harris, F. Rodriguez-Vera and R. E. Slovacek, "Spent Fuel Assay Performance and Monte Carlo Analysis of Rensselaer Slowing-Down-Time Spectrometer," Nucl. Sci. Eng., 115, 279-296 (1993).

N. M. Abdurrahman, R. C. Block, D. R. Harris and R. E. Slovacek, "Sensitivity Analysis of the Resolution Function of Rensselaer SDT Spectrometer," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 66, 477-478 (1992).

D. R. Harris, F. Rodriguez-Vera, N. M. Abdurrahman, Y. D. Lee, R. E. Slovacek and R. C. Block, "Measurement of Uranium and Plutonium Content in a Fuel Assembly Using the RPI Spent Fuel Assay Device," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 61, 73-74 (1990).

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Mark A. Gilbertson, Kurt D. Gerdes, John L. Wengle, Naeem M. Abdurrahman, “A National Academies Study on Waste Form Technology and Performance, Waste Management Conference, Tucson, AZ (2010), Accepted.

A. P. Simpson and N. M. Abdurrahman, High Sensitivity Assay of Cement Encapsulated Spent Nuclear Fuel Sludge Using the Imaging Passive Active Neutron (IPAN) System, Waste Management Conference, Tucson, AZ (2007).

A. Simpson, S. Barber, N. M. Abdurrahman, Innovations in the Assay of Un-segregated Multi-isotopic Grade TRU Waste Boxes with SuperHENC and FRAM Technology, Annual Waste Management Conference, Tucson, Arizona (2006).

M. A. Elsawi, N. M. Abdurrahman, Y. Y. Azmy, "Asymptotic Analysis of the Spatial Weights of the Arbitrarily High Order Transport Method of the Characteristic Type”, Nuclear Mathematical and Computational Sciences, A Century in Review, A Century Anew, American Nuclear Society, Gatlinburg, Tennessee (2003).

Y. G. Jo M. A. Abdelrahman and N. M. Abdurrahman, “Nondestructive Evaluation of Aluminum Honeycomb Structures Using Thermal Neutron Radiography,” Proc. 2000 NSF Design and Manufacturing Research Conference (2000)

Y. G. Jo, M. S. Abdelrahman, and N. M. Abdurrahman, “Selective Nondestructive Evaluation Applications of Thermal Neutron Imaging,” Proc. 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY (2000).

N. M. Abdurrahman and L. E. Smith, “Modeling of a Lead Spectrometer for the Assay of High Fissile Content Mixed Oxide Fuel,” Proc. 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY (2000).

W. Mosby, L. E. Smith, and N. M. Abdurrahman, “Development of a Shielded Measurement System for Dry Irradiated Nuclear Fuel,” Proc. 41st Annual Meeting, Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, New Orleans, LA (2000).

Y. G. Jo and N. M. Abdurrahman, "The Effect of Moderating Piece Inside a Neutron Collimator on Neutron Dose Around Neutron Imaging Facility," Proc. 1998 Radiation and Shielding Division Topical Conference: Technologies for the New Century,” American Nuclear Society, Vol. I, pp. 11-117 (1998).

G. Radulescu, M. Yavuz, H. Akkurt, N. M. Abdurrahman, B. T. Rearden, G. F. Cuevas-Vivas, J. A. Cowan, and T. A. Parish, “Neutronics Benchmarks for the Utilization of Mixed Oxide Fuel,” in Nuclear Materials Safety Management, K.L. Peddicord, L.N. Lazareve, and L.J. Jardine, Eds, Disarmament Technologies - Vol. 20, Kluwer Academic Publishing, pp. 271-279 (1998).

N. M. Abdurrahman, B. W. Wehring, T. L. Bauer, Y. G. Jo, “Development of Neutron Imaging System for Real Time Neutron Radiography and Neutron Computed Tomography at The University of Texas Triga Reactor,” Proc. 5th World Conf. Neutron Radiography, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung, pp. 222-228 (1997).

Y. D. Lee, N. M. Abdurrahman, R. C. Block, and R. E. Slovacek, "Neutron Emission Tomography for Nuclear Fissile Materials Safeguards," Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Facility Operations-Safeguards Interface, pp. 200-204 (1996).

B. Boumakh and N. M. Abdurrahman, "Geodesic Formulation of Magnetic Field Lines in Toroidal Fusion Systems," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Plasma Science, (1995).

N. M. Abdurrahman, R. C. Block, D. R. Harris, F. Rodriguez-Vera and R. E. Slovacek, "Development of the Lead Slowing Down Time Spectrometer at RPI for Nuclear Fuel Assay," Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Facility Operations-Safeguards Interface, pp. 374-380 (1992).

Technical Reports

M. D. DeHart, J. C. Gehin, H. T. Hunter, J. J. Lichtenwalter, B. D. Murphy, R. T. Primm, III, I. Remec, N. M. Abdurrahman, I. J. Carron, T. A. Parish, G. Radulescu, E. J. Reott, and M. Yavuz, “Neutronics Benchmarks for the Utilization of Mixed Oxide Fuel - Initial Progress Report for Fiscal Year 1997, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Feb. 1997.

M. D. DeHart, J. C. Gehin, I. Remec, R. T. Primm, III, N. M. Abdurrahman, I. J. Carron, T. A. Parish, and G. Radulescu, “Neutronics Benchmarks for the Utilization of Mixed Oxide Fuel - Updated Progress Report for Fiscal Year 1997, Vol. II - Computational Benchmarks, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May, 1997.

P. B. Fox, J. J. Lichtenwalter, B. D. Murphy, R. T. Primm, III, N. M. Abdurrahman, G. Radulescu, and M. Yavuz, “Neutronics Benchmarks for the Utilization of Mixed Oxide Fuel - Updated Progress Report for Fiscal Year 1997, Vol. III - Experimental Benchmarks, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May, 1997.

M. D. DeHart, H. T. Hunter, R. T. Primm, III, N. M. Abdurrahman, I. J. Carron, T. A. Parish, G. Radulescu, E. J. Reott, and M. Yavuz, “Neutronics Benchmarks for the Utilization of Mixed Oxide Fuel - Updated Progress Report for Fiscal Year 1997, Vol. IV - Evaluations of Critical Experiments, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May, 1997.

M. S. Abdelrahman and N. M. Abdurrahman, “Cross Sections Libraries for Studies of Plutonium Disposition in Light Water Reactor,” Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium, ANRCP-1999-28, October 1999.

N. M. Abdurrahman, Interval Estimation for Statistical Control Limits, HNF-11976, Fluor Hanford, May 2002.

N. M. Abdurrahman and T. J. Southworth, Performance Control Limits for Gamma Assay Systems, HNF-11977, Fluor Hanford, August 1, 2002.

N. M. Abdurrahman and P. G. Loscoe, K Basins 100K-03-0308 Standard Waste Box Assay on The SuperHENC at WRAP, Fluor Hanford, April 29, 2005.

N. M. Abdurrahman, Calibration and Validation Report for the WRAP Super High Efficiency Coincidence (SuperHENC) Mobile Assay System, HNF-26085, Fluor Hanford, May 2005.

N. M. Abdurrahman, WRAP Imaging Passive Active Neutron (IPAN) Systems Software V&V Document, HNF-16731, Fluor Hanford, May 2005.

N. M. Abdurrahman, WRAP Drum Imaging Passive Active Neutron (IPAN) Systems TMU Report, HNF-16730, Fluor Hanford, May 2005.

N. M. Abdurrahman, WRAP Imaging Passive Active Neutron (IPAN) System Calibration Test Report, HNF-16729, Fluor Hanford, May 2005.

K. I. Husted and N. M. Abdurrahman, Calibration Report for the WRAP Facility GEA System Unit A, HNF-5148, Fluor Hanford, May 2005.

N. M. Abdurrahman, WRAP NDA Certified Radioactive Sources, HNF-9787, Rev. 0-B, Fluor Hanford, June 2005.

N. M. Abdurrahman and K. I. Husted, Total Measurement Uncertainty for Nondestructive Assay of Transuranic Waste at the Waste Receiving and Processing Facility, HNF-4050, Rev. 10, Fluor Hanford, July 2005.

K. I. Husted and N. M. Abdurrahman, Calibration Report for the WRAP Facility GEA System Unit B, HNF-5149, Fluor Hanford, March 2006.

N. M. Abdurrahman, SuperHENC Calibration Report for 110 Gallon Puck Drum Assay (Calibration Curve Method), HNF-37599, Fluor Hanford, May 2008.

Selected Oral Presentations

Nondestructive Assay at the Waste Receiving and Processing Facility, Department of Energy Facility Representatives Meeting, Richland, WA, January 24, 2008.

Decommissioning, Decontamination, and Reutilization Technology (Panel Discussion), American Nuclear Society Transactions/European Nuclear Society, 2007 ANS/ENS International Meeting, Washington, DC, November 11-17, 2007.

High Sensitivity Neutron Assay of Grouted Spent Nuclear Fuel Sludge at Hanford, American Nuclear Society Transactions/European Nuclear Society, 2007 ANS/ENS International Meeting, Washington, DC, November 11-17, 2007.

High Sensitivity Assay of Cement Encapsulated Spent Nuclear Fuel Sludge Using The Imaging Passive Active Neutron (IPAN™) System, Waste Management 2007 Conference (WM'07), Tucson, AZ, February 25 - March 1, 2007.

Innovations in the Assay of Un-segregated Multi-isotopic Grade TRU Waste Boxes with SuperHENC and FRAM Technology, 32nd Annual Waste Management Conference, Tucson, Arizona, February 26 – March 2, 2006.

WIPP Certification of a New SuperHENC Box Counter at Hanford”, American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 13, 2005.

Seminar on Neutron Slowing Down Time Spectrometry for Spent Nuclear Fuel Characterization, IU Cyclotron Facility, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, August 29, 2001.

Seminar on Neutron Slowing Down Time Spectrometry for Spent Nuclear Fuel Characterization, IU Cyclotron Facility, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, August 29, 2001.

Seminar on Utilization of Accelerators for Nondestructive Assay of Nuclear Materials, Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory, August, 2001.

Seminar on Computational Methods in Nuclear Science and Engineering, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, June 2001.

Feasibility of National Spent Nuclear Fuel Assay using Lead Slowing Down Time Spectrometry, Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, July 22, 1999.

Saxton Critical Experiments: Sensitivity Calculations for PuO2 Particle Size, Fifth United States/Russia Technical Specialists Meeting on Water Reactors for Fissile Materials Disposition, Oak Ridge, TN, November 11-13, 1998.

Criticality and Power Distribution Calculations of Single and Multiregion Esada Experiments Using MCNP, Fifth United States/Russia Technical Specialists Meeting on Water Reactors for Fissile Materials Disposition, Oak Ridge, TN, November 11-13, 1998.

Saxton Critical Experiments: Criticality and Power Distribution Calculations, Fourth United States/Russia Technical Specialists Meeting on Water Reactors for Fissile Materials Disposition, St. Petersburg, Russia, June. 17-19, 1998.

Calculations of Single and Multiregion Esada Experiments with MCNP, Fourth United States/Russia Technical Specialist Meeting on Water Reactors for Fissile Materials Disposition, St. Petersburg, Russia, June. 17-19, 1998.

New Thermal Neutron Imaging Facility at The University of Texas Triga Reactor," 9th Symposium on Radiation Measurements & Applications, Ann Arbor, MI, 1998.

MCNP Calculations for CS3, CS4 and PNL Criticality Safety Benchmarks, Third United States/Russia Technical Specialists Meeting on Water Reactors for Fissile Materials Disposition, Oak Ridge, TN, August 24-27, 1997.

Slowing Down Time Spectrometry Methods for Nondestructive Assay, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Amarillo, TX, March 17-21, 1997.

Neutronics Benchmarks for the Utilization of Mixed Oxide Fuel, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Amarillo, TX, March 17-21, 1997.

Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium and Weapons Plutonium Disposition, OECD/NEA Criticality Safety Group Meeting, Paris, June 27, 1996.

The Use of Lead Slowing Down Time Spectrometry for Nondestructive Assay of Fissile Materials, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, Sep. 6, 1996.

Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium and Weapons Plutonium Disposition, Belgium Nuclear Research Center, Mol, Belgium, June 25, 1996.

Nondestructive Assay for Safeguards of Plutonium and Mixed Oxide Fuel, Los Alamos National Laboratory, May 7, 1996.

The Status of the Water-Reactor Options for Disposition of Weapons Plutonium Project, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, Apr. 17, 1996.

The Status of the Water-Reactor Options for Disposition of Weapons Plutonium Project, U. S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, Mar. 18-19, 1996.

Weapons Plutonium Safeguards Project at the Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, Oct. 23, 1995.

Weapons Plutonium Safeguards Project at the Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, Oct. 25, 1995.

Development of Nondestructive Assay Methods for Weapons Plutonium and MOX Fuel Safeguards, Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium, Amarillo, TX, Sep. 29, 1995.

Measurements of U235 and Pu239 in Rensselaer Nondestructive Assay Device, Knolls Atomic Physics Laboratory, Schenectady, NY, 1992.

Nondestructive Fissile Assay Measurements Using the Lead Slowing Down Time Spectrometer, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 1992.
